How do I Learn Mindfulness?

A State of being present in the moment

A State of being present in the moment


What is it?

Mindfulness is defined according to the dictionary as “a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.” in more simple terms, It is a process of being here now, in the moment. it’s becoming aware not only of how you feel physically and emotionally but recognizing these feelings and acknowledging them without passing any judgment on them. Easier said than done!

Most of us judge ourselves, we judge our thoughts, and our actions on a regular basis. Who hasn’t reprimanded themselves for thinking in ways we have predetermined are in the “you can’t think that way” basket. The practice of Mindfulness allows us to understand that a thought is just that, a thought. It has no moral compass until we give it one. It’s normal to have thoughts that are expressions of how we are feeling, if I’m angry, it’s normal to think “angry” thoughts, just as it is normal if I’m happy to think “happy” thoughts. The practice of mindfulness allows us to feel what’s going on internally and give it perspective in the bigger picture. It helps us to remove the “Judgement Factor” Mindfulness is often thought of as something you do like meditation, and yes it is but it is also something to incorporate into everyday life that helps you to become more aware of every moment. It gives you the opportunity to experience the little things of life in a bigger way.


The benefits of mindfulness are numerous, mindfulness can reduce stress levels, regulate emotions, increase self-compassion and decrease rumination. Mindfulness helps us to give ourselves permission to feel what we are feeling, to think what we are thinking, without trying to analyze or understand it but experience it fully. When mindfulness becomes part of the way you operate in life, you learn to really appreciate the things your experiencing and to focus on the small mundane everyday things that we do and marvel at the wonder of it all. Mindfulness is a great tool to reduce stress levels and to refocus our minds to a more serene place. Life is so busy and we are bombarded at times through advertising, social media, and the unrealistic pressures created by unrealistic standards. Learning to be in the moment and to focus on that moment pushes back at those pressures and allows us some space to reassess and to choose. The very act of giving yourself the space to choose helps to regain control and put yourself back into the driver’s seat of your life, allowing you to set the direction you want to go in and not be pushed along mindlessly by somebody else’s GPS. The art of practicing mindfulness is a skill that can enhance our lives, bring insight into the way we think and helps us to let go of the struggle to be something we are not.

Focusing on the small


There are two aspects to mindfulness, the first is cultivating a time slot and place for you to practice mindfulness. This is a time designated for you. The objective is to create a space where you won’t be interrupted and where you can be comfortable and at ease. Ideally, a quiet corner, a comfortable place to sit without interruptions works best however if that is not an option for you, grab some headphones, head out to a park or practice mindfulness before you get up or go to sleep. It really is worth the effort to wake up 15mins earlier or stay up 15 mins later to learn and establish this skill. This is a time to let go and to allow yourself to feel. There are many apps available that can lead you through mindfulness sessions and it is important to find one that suits you.

The practice of mindfulness won’t come overnight but must be built into your life over time. The other face of mindfulness is born out of the first but can be utilized almost immediately, it’s everyday focusing of your mind on the moment. Pushing out the things demanding our attention and creating space, space to catch your breath, rest and reset your mind, The space to appreciate the thing that you are doing right there at that moment. Being able to give it your full attention, ensures you experience it to its fullest degree. It’s the little things in life that make up the sum of the big things. The small everyday occurrences add up to the outcomes of life. The world is always in a hurry, and it’s easy to get caught up in the rush, but if you take the time to smell the roses life will smell sweet.

Helpful Hints


Start small- most people fail at developing a habit in their life because they take on too much too soon. The practice of mindfulness takes time, it takes practice. start with 2-5 mins a couple of times a week and establish a routine that not only fits in with your lifestyle but that you can build on.

Dont stay too small- once you have built a mindfulness practice, make sure you are giving yourself space to grow. to build muscle in a gym you eventually have to increase the weights. To build into mindfulness and to give yourself the benefits long-term of mindfulness, longer sessions are a must. Try stretching your sessions or using a different app or method.

Utilize every opportunity- It’s in the everyday type of things that your mindfulness can be most beneficial, Let the things that are a normal part of life become tools for mindfulness, Set the alarm a few minutes earlier so you can spend time listening to the sounds of the morning, calming your mind and setting a peaceful frame of mind for the day ahead. Really enjoy your morning coffee or tea, savour your breakfast not only how it tastes, but its smell and feel. becoming more aware of the beauty and experience of life. Experiencing the moment is the goal of mindfulness.


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