How do I Get Good Sleep..zzzzzzz

We all need sleep.

Whether you are successful, poor, rich, tall or short, young or old we all need sleep. We may differ in how much or how often we sleep but if you are human -You need sleep. Sleep is the body’s tool to revitalize, refresh and reinvigorate us. Our bodies go into regeneration mode when we sleep. repairing, healing, and reproducing everything we need to navigate life.

So what do we do when sleep seems out of reach? when we wake constantly? Or toss and turn resulting in restless sleep? Let”s look at some common causes of sleeplessness, and some strategies that can help.

Worry - when we are worried about something it can play on our mind as we try to sleep, or it can wake us in the middle of the night, bombarding us with what-ifs. The mind becomes active and begins to process and replay the events we are uncertain of or insecure about.

Strategy- keep a pen and paper handy on your bedside table and jot down the things you are worried about and tell yourself “I will look at that tomorrow “ Alternatively speak the same sentence out loud “I will look at that tomorrow”. This helps to offload the worry from our minds and regulate our thoughts.

Overstimulation- In going to sleep, we are trying to calm the conscious mind and allow the subconscious the time to do its work of processing. When we are overstimulated we tend to process superficially and never reap the benefits of deep sleep. When we stir our senses before going to bed with screens, bright lights, loud music, etc, we awaken our minds and this causes the ability to fall asleep to be more difficult.

Strategy- Limit the time on screens before bed, give yourself some wind-down time. most mobile phones and computers have light dimmers which eliminate the blue light that can overstimulate. Create a routine to follow before bed eg: have a herbal tea or hot drink, take a shower or have a bath., stretch, or read a chapter of a book. When you create a routine, the body begins to recognize the signals for sleep and adjusts.

Sleep Hygiene -Sleep hygiene is observing our sleep environment to get the best benefits. The temperature, lighting, comfort, etc all contribute to a good night’s sleep. The routines that we have before bed help to bring us to a place where we wind down and a ready to sleep.

Strategy- Take a good look around your bedroom, is there adequate ventilation? We need a cooler temperature, around 16 degrees celsius to ensure a good deep sleep. take a look at your bed ? is it comfortable? do you have the right bedding? Do you have bedside lights or dimmer switches to help lower the lights? What is your wind-down routine? Taking stock of all these things can benefit your overall sleep hygiene or sleep environment.

Insomnia- This is a medical condition that causes a lack of sleep. Awakens us in the middle of the night and disrupts our health.

Strategy- This always needs medical attention. It is important to see your Doctor and find out if there are any underlying issues and to come up with a management plan.

Essential for a healthy life

Sleep is one of the most important tools we have to ensure we have a good quality of life. It is not only desirable it is essential. Whether you sleep well or not, putting some or all of these strategies into your life will improve not only the quantity of your sleep but also the quality.


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